First Baptist Church - Fayetteville, NCFirst Baptist Church - Fayetteville, NCFirst Baptist Church - Fayetteville, NCFirst Baptist Church - Fayetteville, NCFirst Baptist Church - Fayetteville, NC
First Baptist Church - Fayetteville, NC
First Baptist Church - Fayetteville, NC
Family Night
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Free Coupon
We want your family to join us at Family Night for FREE!  Download and bring the coupon below and your family's dinner is on us!


Your meals are only $5 for children, $6 for adults, with a $20 maximum per family.  A Coke ® machine is also available with drinks for .65¢

Family Night - Feeding your mind, body and spirit!

From September through June, Wednesday night is a highlight of the week at FBC.  It's a great weekly opportunity to gather with friends during a time of Christian fellowship.  If you wish to join us for the dinner portion of Family Night we ask that you contact us by the Monday before you wish to attend.

Family Night Activities

Dinner - for the whole family

DinnerEach week we serve a delicious entree with sides, usually including a vegetable, salad, and dessert. Water, tea, and coffee are always available, along with a soft drink machine.

Preschool Choir - for the little kids
Preschool ChoirThis is our choir for children ages 2-5. This is often a child's first opportunity to participate in music - so, we use easy and fun music to ensure the kid's have a great time.
Mission Friends - for the little kids
Mission FriendsGeared toward kids ages 3-5 Mission Friends is organized to introduce young children to missions through group activities.
Adult Groups - for the grownups

Adult GroupsSeveral study options are available to adults throughout the year. Often members of FBC will lead small group studies in 6 and 12 week periods.

Youth Group - for the teenagers
Youth GroupCovering a wide range of topics our Youth studies are relevant to today's teens. With a balanced level of meaningful and thought provoking lessons no topic is off limits if it needs to be discussed!
Preschool and Young Disciples - for the boys and girls
Kid's ChoirThe children's choirs sing a combination of traditional and contemporary music, usually performing at least once per quarter and at Christmas..
Sanctuary Choir - for everyone
Sanctuary ChoirThe main choir for FBC our Sanctuary Choir is responsible for music during the Sunday worship service. They perform special programs several times a year and often a larger production at Christmas.
Joy Singers - for the more mature
Sanctuary ChoirThis is a fun group for more mature singers. They perform regularly on Sundays and special occasions. If you love to sing, come join us