About First Baptist Church
At First Baptist Church we have a place for you - whether you're a regular churchgoer, someone who's never been part of a church family or you're new to the Fayetteville area. From Fayetteville to Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) out to Wade and St. Paul’s, people come from all over to be a part of the First Baptist Church family!
We respect your opinion.
We value your service.
We encourage your growth.
We care for your family.
We know you by name.
Our Mission
First Baptist Church is a fellowship of believers in Christ offering radical invitation and tangible grace while honoring and using the gifts the Holy Spirit has provided us to build the Kingdom of God in this city and this world.
Our Vision
To be a people in whom Christ’s hope flourishes within this broken world.
All Are Welcome
If you are seeking a family of faith that truly feels like family, we have a place for you.
All Are Neighbors
If you are seeking a church that loves its neighbor churches, we have a place for you.
All Are Ministers
If you are seeking a place to discern and live out God’s call in your life, we have a place for you.
All Are Able to Be Forgiven
If you need forgiveness, ask for it in prayer. Don’t come here first. Ask for it. If you are seeking a place to show you how this forgiveness is possible or want to serve among other repentant sinners blessed by God’s grace and forgiveness, we have a place for you.
All Are Loved
If you are seeking ways to serve and love like Jesus, we have a place for you.
Who Are We Affiliated With?
Our History
First Baptist Church of Fayetteville is a multi-generational, diverse congregation located in downtown Fayetteville, NC. The church was constituted on November 25, 1837, with 28 charter members. The present sanctuary was begun in 1906 and dedicated on Sunday, May 1, 1910. Since then, the church plant has grown to include educational spaces, the first church gym in the city, and parking areas for its activities.
FBC’s history reflects our mission to influence the community in Christ’s name. The congregation was instrumental in starting twelve churches in the area. Ecumenical relationships with other downtown churches strengthen our efforts to benefit the community. We provide support of downtown friends to help meet their physical and spiritual needs, along with facilities for organizations to meet.
Our Pastoral Staff
Rev. Rob James
Senior Pastor • rob@fbcfay.com
Open Position
Associate Pastor
Office and Church Staff
Mendee Daniel
Organist and Interim Music Director
Susan Taylor
Youth Director and Deaf Interpreter
Allene Horne
Pastoral Assistant
Deborah O’Neil
Staff Secretary & Pianist
Melvin Pittman
Custodial Staff
Jill Hubbard
Financial Secretary
Mable Baldwin
Custodial Staff